Craniosacral Therapy
is a gentle manual form of therapy. Craniosacral therapy is originally a treatment and diagnostic method of osteopathy. Using hand techniques with minimal pressure or force, a region of the body is activated. This is usually followed by “listening with your hands”. This involves giving attention and space to body structures which can result in smallest movements and reactions of the tissue. These movements are followed by with the hands or listened to. The results and effects are diverse.
How does Craniosacral Therapy Work?
- Physical, emotional, mental and psychologically
- Resolving blockages, consolidating resources
- Strengthening health, promoting vitality
- Regulating the musculoskeletal system
- Harmonizing on organs, hormones, lymphatic and nervous systems
- Self-perception deepening
- Self-regulation activating
- Vegetative balancing
- Relaxing
When can Craniosacral Therapy Help?
- Disorders of the nervous system
- Back, shoulder and neck pain
- Whiplash
- Headaches, migraines, jaw problems, sinusitis
- Eye problems (squinting, sensitivity to light, general ametropia)
- Spinal and joint problems
- Organ diseases, digestive problems
- Physical and emotional consequences after injuries, operations and infections
- Stress, sleep problems, exhaustion conditions, depression, burnout
- Menopause and menstrual problems
- Hyperactivity of children, unclear developmental disorders
- Difficulty concentrating and learning difficulties
- Fears
What is the Process of Craniosacral Treatment in my Practice ?
- The first session begins with an anamnesis/get-to-know-you conversation of approx. 10-30 minutes.
- The treatment session lasts 60-120 minutes. It makes sense to treat yourself to a little rest afterwards.
- With light touch I feel tensions and your body tissue's own movements, which I follow. Gentle impulses stimulate this craniosacral system.
- Choose comfortable clothing for the treatment.
- To achieve sustainable success often several sessions are required.
- In some cases medical clarification is necessary before treatment.
- Craniosacral treatment can only be carried out with a prior appointment.
- Billing depends on the treatment time. The current prices can be found in my terms and conditions.
last edited: Sat, 3. February 2024