My name is Bernd Hußnätter, I am an alternative practitioner with practice in Munich. My main focus on Cranioscral Osteopathy. I also use other methods if needed.

In my life, I threw myself into everything that interested me. Life itself has also thrown some things at me. I tried to understand and seize the many opportunities to learn. So I was able to discover a lot of new things. But it's also amazing how many similarities to familiar things there are.
The following left strong impressions: mathematics, logic, chaos research and computer science; teaching, learning, methodology, didactics; music, sound, noises, harmony, music editing, language, radio play, hearing; gymnastics, dance, body language, stage, choreography; Yoga, meditation, breathwork, energy work, Tai Chi, Push Hands, Qi Gong; anatomy, physiology, kinesiology; being a father; astrology, tarot, chakras, religions, philosophy, shamanism, nature, love, energy, Reiki, Spirituality ... a long list - so many different things and so much in common.
I draw inspiration, strength and suggestions from all of these areas. I listen and get to the bottom of things. This makes it easy for me to understand you and your issues. I show them in a new light and support you to discover them from new perspectives.
In 2019 everything started to come together more clearly: the alternative practitioner training showed me that everything leads to a holistic understanding of people in general and my patients in particular. A lot of this has influenced the choice of therapies I have learned and the way I apply them.
It's nice when things come together like that. It's nice to be able to do something meaningful and good with all of this.
My journey in milestones.
Click on the images for more information.
Nov./Dec. 2023
Practice and Assistence
I find good practice rooms on Fraunhoferstrasse in Munich. From now on I prefer to offer appointments there. At the same time, I get the chance to support my lecturer as an assistant in her craniosacral therapy training. It is a very special experience to see how others find their way into the subtlety of craniosacral therapy and how you can support them. -
Continuing Education
To deepen my herbal medicine training and gain insight into TCM herbal medicine, I work a few hours a week in a naturopathic pharmacy. I also continue my education through seminars: Leaky Gut Syndrome, fascia and nervous system, trauma sensitivity, introduction to systemic constellation according to Hellinger, trauma therapy (EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, Narm), Dorn method and Breuß massage. -
Phytotherapy Training
Medicinal herbology with excursions for identification in nature and practical seminars with instruction in the production of tinctures, ointments and lactose triturations. Herbal therapeutic approaches with consideration and discussion of the perspectives of current and historical medicine. Herbal medicine considerations of Hildegard medicine, Paracelsus medicine, spagyrics, homeopathy, anthroposophical medicine and active ingredient-oriented herbal medicine. -
since 2023
Prof. Association, Home Visiting Practice
Since the beginning of 2023, I have been a member of the Bavarian regional association of the Association of German Alternative Practitioners and regularly take part in further training courses and working groups to further my education. Once I become a member, I also practice as a naturopath for home visits. -
since 2022
Craniosacral Osteopathy
I started my Craniosacral Therapy training and have been deepening it ever since. The gentle manual form of therapy suits me very well. As a listening person, I had already found my way into studying music. Now I am discovering listening on a physical level. I quickly know that this is my treatment method. I'm not just interested in treating. I am also impressed by the effect that can be seen on both a physical and psychological level. When I receive a treatment myself, I experience it as gentle, relaxing, enriching and intensive. I am very happy to be able to give this experience to others too. -
Alternative Practitioner Training
After over 900 hours of training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, clinical and practical subjects, differential diagnosis and other topics, I will pass the alternative practitioner examination in Munich in October and November 2022. This gives me the alternative practitioner's license and the right to open a practice. -
since 2021
Brain Gym®/Edu K®
As Edu-Kinesetics has long been part of the kinesiology textbooks in my library, I spontaneously took the opportunity to train in Brain Gym®. A little later there is a course in Edu-K® that extensively expands the method. Both together are an enriching addition in methods and perspectives to the previously learned Touch for Health Kinesiology. -
since 2019
Touch for Health
I encountered kinesiology early in my youth and again during my journey of discovery in the field of healing stones. In the summer of 2019 I decided to learn this tool in detail. Touch for Health is the first discipline of kinesiology in which I am training in all four levels at the Zentrum für Naturheilkunde. Since December 2020 I have now known the complete repertoire of Touch for Health. I was able to experience it on my own body and also learned it myself and used it many times. -
since 2013
Taiji and Qi Gong
I discovered it after a dance injury. It made me pain-free again after a short time. But the gift that Taiji is for me encompasses much more: it taught me to stay with myself, suspended between heaven and earth in the now. This was necessary for me to fully open up to my empathic and intuitive sides again. It is also helpful to be able to face your own shadows openly and honestly. Various forms of Qi Gong are also part of my Taiji lessons. I am also learning to understand Taiji as a type of Qi Gong. -
since 2013
Healing Crystals
At the same time as Taiji, I discovered that water with certain stones in it tasted particularly good and might even be good for me. Curious, I go to a mineral shop and am amazed: I can feel one or two stones in other ways than just touch. It's more like the vibration and resonance that I know from music. Since then I have meditated with many stones and allowed myself to find resonances. For me, this is an exciting journey to myself. -
since 2007
Software Development
I started my own software projects back in the 1980s. Program code and logic feel like a second native language. Clear analytical and structured thinking, problem solving, process optimization and data management accompany me every day. They offer me a structuring counterpoint to creativity and empathy. In addition, my work as a software developer gives me the financial flexibility to enjoy a high-quality training in other fields. Without this I wouldn't be able to be a naturopath today. -
Dance and Stage
While studying music, I discovered jazz dance as a way to balance things out. My interest soon expands and training in ballet, modern, tap and finally historical dance follows. The latter then leads me professionally onto the stage. At the University of Music I teach historical dance as a lecturer in the early music department. It's about interactions: culture, dance and music are interdependent. For me, dance is an interaction between mind, body, emotion, music and environment (fellow dancers, props, audience...). Here lies a key to my understanding of holism. -
Music Studies
I study classical guitar at university and learn a lot about vibration, harmony and dissonance. I always encounter tones and sounds in new ways. Not only does the instrument vibrate and resonate - the body of the instrumentalist and the listener also does this. What was also very formative for me was practicing for hours every day: mastering obstacles that initially seemed insurmountable with enormous discipline and inventiveness. You have to face your emotions again and again in order to be able to give something to the audience at a given deadline - the concert.