Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture

Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA)

YNSA is an acupuncture method based on several somatotopes in the area of ​​the head, i.e. the entire body is mapped onto the surface of the skull. Points of this image can be treated as representatives of the corresponding body area with acupuncture (with needles) or by stimulation with other methods (Monolux, healing crystals, acupressure, massage, etc.). Treatment via somatotopes is also known through foot reflexology or ear acupuncture.

acupuncture needles

Classic Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture

Specific regions of the head are examined in relation to acute symptoms. Certain types of palpable bumps, skin changes or differences in the patient's sensation play a role here. The most intensive area is treated with an acupuncture needle. This can be locally painful. If the needle leads to an improvement in the patiernt's symptoms, this needle remains - otherwise it is removed again. Further points can then be searched for and treated.

The method offers several diagnostic approaches to find suitable points more quickly.

Not currently offered

As this method works with needles that penetrate the skin, the method is considered invasive. It can therefore not be carried out in every practice. The practice must be registered as invasive with the health authority and meet additional hygiene requirements. I am therefore currently unable to offer the classic YNSA. However, this is in the works.

Alternatives to acupuncture with needles

Alternative treatment approaches may be more subtle in their effect and not as directly understandable as inserting individual needles and directly monitoring success. However, they offer advantages through non-invasive treatmen: This can be a better solution for children or for patients with needle phobia. These methods are also potentially suitable for self-treatment.

Monolux mit Bergkristallspitze

YNSA with Monolux

Here the points found are treated with a Monolux pen. In my practice this is the Monolux pen with a rock crystal tip, as this is best suited for pinpoint stimulation. For treatment, the pen is positioned on the skin point found and pressure is applied at a level approximately equal to its own weight. This may prick or hurt, but does not penetrate the skin - so it is not invasive. A deeper effect is achieved here by additionally treating the point with the light, color and an alternating magnetic field provided by the monolux pen.

YNSA with healing crystals

As with treatment with the Monolux, the treatment is carried out here using a tip that does not penetrate the skin. An intensification of the treatment can be felt if the patient has a good connection or resonance with the healing stone or crystal used. This treatment is also non-invasive.

I currently offer the following healing stones or crystals for treatment:

  • Smoky Quarz
    Light Smoky Quarz
  • Fluorite
    (cut into form)
  • Belemnite
    Belemnite or Thunderbolt
  • Rock Crystal with Chlorite
    Rock Crystal with Chlorite
  • Quarz with Aktinolite-Needles

This list is not about specific healing stone effects. I find these effects to be too subtle and individual to make general statements about them. These are stones from my collection that are suitable for acupuncture thanks to their tips and that can be cleaned with surface disinfectant. The list will certainly get longer.

You can choose the right stone based on sympathy and/or we can identify a stone through kinesiological tests. Please let me know at least one day before your appointment if you are interested in YNSA with healing stones, as I do not always have the stones in my practice.

If you are looking for information about healing stones, I would be happy to advise you on how you can gather this information from your own experience. I think that simply looking it up in catalogs is insufficient. Therefore, I will not describe any effects here. However, there is literature that can be helpful.

last edited: Sun, 12. January 2025


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