As alternative practicioner, I, Bernd Hußnätter work with the following methods in my practice in Munich:
Manual procedures
- Craniosacral osteopathy
- Craniosacral body psychotherapy
- Dorn method
- Breuß massage
Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA)
- YNSA with Monolux: rock crystal point + light + color + alternating magnetic field - without needles (non-invasive)
- YNSA with healing crystals: healing crystal point (e.g. fluorite, smoky quartz, ...) - without needles (non-invasive)
- YNSA (classic) - with needles (invasive): not currently offered, but is in preparation.
Applied Kinesiology methods
- Touch for Health Kinesiology
- BrainGym Kinesiology
- Edu-K Kinesiology
- Balancing with applied kinesiology methods
- Muscle tests for intolerances, topics or events
Movement, relaxation, mindfulness and meditation training
Energetic work
- Reiki
- Working with Chakras
- Working with Meridians
- Qi Gong (energy aspects)
- Tai Chi (energy aspects)
- Energetic aspects of other procedures (kinesiology, craniosacral therapy, TCM)
- Healing Stones and Crystals
Accompanying and supporting medicinal plant knowledge
Coaching and advice on life issues and stressful situations
- Life experience
- pedagogical training and work
- further education on psychological topics
- intensive examination of spiritual topics
last edited: Wed, 1. January 2025